The human spine consists of the coccyx (or tailbone), the sacrum, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae and 7 cervical vertebrae.

Between these vertebrae are rings of cartilage with a soft core, or intervertebral discs. These intervertebral discs help protect the vertebrae and cushion the shock to the spine. The cervical vertebrae are the cervical vertebrae and support the skull and contribute to the rotations of the head.

In this article, we’ll give you more information about the upper cervical vertebra, or c1 cervical vertebra. In addition, we talk about what a chiropractor can do, in the case of complaints due to a problem with the C1 cervical vertebra.

What is the function of the c1 cervical vertebra

The c1 cervical vertebra is the vertebra that attaches to the skull, providing support for the head, to which it owes the name “the atlas".

It is the only vertebra of the spine without an intervertebral disc, allowing for large rotational movements with the head. The c1 cervical vertebra has 2 joint surfaces at the top with an oval shape, by which the vertebra attaches to the head. On these planes, the head can move forward and backward, allowing the forward and backward tilt of the body. For example, as in yes-nodding. So a properly functioning C1 vertebra is important because we use it constantly.

What are common complaints due to the c1 cervical vertebra?

There are several complaints that can arise from the c1 cervical vertebra. For example, a blockage may occur when the vertebra is rotated too far to the right or left and does not rotate back properly after this. This changed the position of the c1 cervical vertebra, which is sometimes compensated by the rest of the spine.

Furthermore, a common complaint is whiplash, where there has been a major impact on the body or head. The muscles and ligaments surrounding the vertebra failed to absorb this blow. This causes the head to make a very unexpected movement. This causes the skull to no longer rest properly on the joint surfaces.

Furthermore, there may be compression of nerve roots or damage to the spinal cord due to wear and tear, or osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis causes the bone surface of the vertebra to become rougher. The ridges that form on the vertebra can compress the spinal cord by reducing space.

Symptoms that fit with this include pelvic misalignment, leg length difference, headaches, fatigue, back pain, stiff neck, shoulder pain, pain when turning or moving the head, hip pain and chronic muscle pain.

Chiropractic care for complaints through the c1 cervical vertebrae

A chiropractor can examine the position of your neck, spine and pelvis to find out where the symptoms are coming from. Furthermore, a chiropractor may do muscle strengthening and/or relaxation exercises with you or perform manual manipulations to balance the position of vertebrae.

Thus, the position and function of the tissues around the spine are improved. In addition, this can improve muscle function of the muscles around the spine through reduced tension or just improved strength in these muscles.

Chiropractic care at TOPCHIRO!

Are you suffering from symptoms caused by the c1 cervical vertebra and just can’t get rid of them? Our chiropractors at TOPCHIRO will investigate exactly where the pain is coming from and what the possible cause is.

Once they have a clear picture of your symptoms, they will create a personalized treatment plan to help you get rid of your symptoms and improve your functioning as quickly as possible.

Feel free to contact TOPCHIRO if you have any questions or to make an appointment!

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