Everyone likes to see his or her baby healthy. A baby cannot yet indicate what is bothering him or her, but it may be obvious that the baby is not feeling well. Chiropractors and osteopaths are trained to recognize what is bothering the baby.

Although largely the same complaints are treated within both specialties, the approach to treatment may differ. In this article, we will discuss both specialties and highlight their similarities and advantages.

What complaints can babies be treated by a chiropractor or osteopath?

Both a chiropractor and an osteopath can address musculoskeletal and nervous system complaints. In babies, the mobility of tissues such as muscles, nerves, organs and joints may have been disrupted during pregnancy or birth.

This disruption can also be caused by stress or digestive problems. There are several ways you can recognize that your baby is suffering from symptoms. Some examples include constipation, spitting up, sleep problems, excessive crying and digestive problems.

What are the similarities between a chiropractor and osteopath?

A chiropractor and an osteopath both work with their hands. So there is no medication involved here. Both specialties believe in the body’s self-healing ability, lending a hand. They see the body as one whole and thus pursue a holistic approach. In fact, the symptoms do not necessarily have to be caused at the place where these symptoms are felt.

Both therapists look for tension, blockages, disruptions or imbalance. How they resolve them varies by specialty. An osteopath primarily uses mobilizations and a chiropractor uses (gentle) manipulations. Both techniques are suitable for treating complaints in babies.

What does a chiropractor do?

A chiropractor specializes in the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic focuses on removing blockages particularly in the spine. By applying dosed movements with the hands, communication disorders between the nervous system and joints are resolved.

Making this movement may cause a cracking sound in the joints, but this does not hurt and only provides relief. This is because the pressure on the ligaments and muscles is relieved. A chiropractor uses special techniques in children and babies that are not stressful.

Some benefits of chiropractic care include improving the immune system and the position of the neck and spine, increasing overall health. In addition, chiropractic works preventively to correct any abnormalities in a timely manner, thereby preventing problems later in life.

What does an osteopath do?

An osteopath focuses on the muscles, organs and nervous system. A loss in motility negatively affects health. Through specific techniques, such as mobilizations, the mobility and blood flow of organs is improved to reduce symptoms. With gentle movements, the tissues are loosened and relaxed by the osteopath.

Osteopathy can help babies with tension and stiffness in the limbs and trunk and lagging motor development, among other things. In addition, it can help with gastrointestinal problems such as cramps, constipation and frequent vomiting.

Chiropractic care for babies at TOPCHIRO

At TOPCHIRO, we can check your baby through chiropractic treatment. During the first appointment, the chiropractor will examine the baby in detail and ask you about the baby’s behaviors and the course of the pregnancy. If chiropractic is an appropriate way to treat the baby’s symptoms, a plan of care will be developed and discussed with you, the parent.

During treatment, we aim to determine the cause of the symptoms and the factors perpetuating them. We strive to create conditions in which the body can recover.

Schedule an appointment!

Is your baby suffering from relatively unexplained symptoms? TOPCHIRO’s chiropractors can help with that. Please contact us with any questions or to make an appointment. TOPCHIRO has several branches, so you can get to your baby quickly.

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